International Peace Studies Centre - IPSC

Just Peace Diplomacy Journal International Journal for Peace and Security Studies Number 1 July-Sep 2010

Just Peace Diplomacy Journal
International Journal for Peace and Security Studies

Number 1 July-Sep 2010

International Peace Studies Centre (IPSC)


Just Peace Diplomacy Journalan International Journal for Peace and Security Studies has been published by the International Peace Studies Centre (IPSC) in the UK and Lebanon.

In continuation with the policy of IPSC, the Just Peace Diplomacy Journal aims to offer an objective and scientific analysis of the problems in the Middle East, Persian Gulf and Central Asia, by taking into consideration and understanding the vested interests of all the involved parties, and offering solutions to the identified problems which are practical in nature and which take into account the interests of all sides. It is our belief that through this approach, which is rational, scientific, objective and non-ideological, at the first instance a framework for constructive dialogue and engagement that is all-encompassing of the problems in the region and considers the worries of all parties, which is a crucial factor that has hitherto been absent in Middle East politics, will be constructed. This framework is crucial for the initiation of the process that will lead to the establishment of stable and ‘just peace’ in the region and requires the active involvement of policy makers, intellectuals, international institutions, governments and nations with a vested interest in the region.

Just Peace Diplomacy Journal is a trilingual journal, published in English, Persian and Arabic. The theme of the first volume of the journal, published in 264 pages, is security in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. To order a hardcopy of the journal To view the electronic version of the journal click here

English Section

Dialogue and Difference

Dr Seyed G Safavi, International Peace Studies Centre 9-18


Regional Stability and Balancing in the Persian Gulf (2001 to 2010)

Dr Ibrahim Mottaqi, Tehran University, Iran 19-38


Analysis of the Effect of Oil Income on Militarism in the Persian Gulf

Ata Bahrami, International Peace Studies Centre 39-60


Ontological Security and Militarism in the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) Foreign Policy 

Elham Rasouli Sani Abadi, International Peace Studies Centre 61-76


Iran – US Relations and Its Impact on Persian Gulf Security

Haidar Ali Massoudi, International Peace Studies Centre 77-94



ریشه‌های بی‌اعتمادی بین ایران و کشورهای حوزه خلیج فارس: تحلیلی سازه‌انگارانه (ونتی) بر فرهنگ‌های حاکم بر تعاملات آنها پس از انقلاب اسلامی ایران

محمد صادق جوکار و مهدی طوسی , مرکز بین المللی مطالعات صلح۱۳۰-۱۰۱


«مكانيسم‌ سازماندهی امنيت هميارانه در خلیج فارس در دوران اوباما»

دکتر زهره پوستین چی , مرکز بین المللی مطالعات صلح ۱۳۱-۱۶۰


عوامل تنش زا و تاثیر آن بر نظامی گری در حوزه خلیج فارس

محمد مودب, مرکز بین المللی مطالعات صلح ۱۸۴-۱۶۱


گفتمان نظامی­گری در سیاست خارجی کشورهای حوزه خلیج فارس

نبي‌اله ابراهيمي, مرکز بین المللی مطالعات صلح ۱۹۵-۱۸۱


تحلیل رابطه بین عدم گسترش دموکراسی و گسترش نظامیگری در کشورهای عربی حوزه خلیج فارس

مهدی طوسی و مهدی مدنی , مرکز بین المللی مطالعات صلح ۲۲۸-۱۹۹


الأزمة اليمنية في إطارالأمن اقليمي

د.طلال عتريسي, الجامعة اللبنانية ۲۳۳-۲۴۴


حراك الجيو-ستراتيجيا الإيرانيةالخليج الفارس كمجال إحتدام

محمود حيدر , رئيس مركز دلتا للأبحاث المعمّقة- بيروت ۲۴۵-۲۶۴


مطالب مرتبط